首页 研究所概况 专家介绍 技术培训 羊肚菌介绍 菌种供应 栽培解答 生产基地 学员留影
通知:全国羊肚菌技术培训班定于每周星期一开班,现场亲手操作学会为止。地址:绵阳市红星街48号(上班时间  上午:8:30—12:00 下午:2:30—6:00)


 中国专家四川省绵阳市食用菌研究所所长,朱教授在法国指导羊肚菌栽培技术,该项目得到法国奥塞欧和中国科技部的高度重视和大力支持,并列为“中法羊肚菌国际合作”项目, 经过三年的实施,项目合作已获得圆满成功。


    中国绵阳新闻网讯: 2015年4月24日,记者从绵阳市食用菌研究所获悉,法国政府向该所专家朱斗锡颁发了特等奖及荣誉证书,这是我市科技人员获得欧洲国家的最高奖励。据悉,羊肚菌是一种非常珍稀名贵的食用菌,营养丰富,味道鲜美,市场售价每公斤2000—3000元。产品主要出口西欧国家,需要大量的货源。

  我市羊肚菌项目被国家列为“中法国际科技合作”项目,经市食用菌研究所与法国FRANCE MORILLES公司三年来的合作,在法国首次取得成功,2015年4月13日,法国政府向绵阳市食用菌研究所朱斗锡专家颁发了特等奖及荣誉证书,这是我市科技人员获得欧洲国家的最高奖励,充分体现科技城的技术实力和科研水平。据悉,羊肚菌是一种非常珍稀名贵的食用菌,营养丰富,味道鲜美,市场售价每公斤2000—3000元。产品主要出口西欧国家,需要大量的货源。

  2009年,法国农业科学院与法国FRANCE MORILLES公司来绵阳市考察了食用菌研究所的羊肚菌人工栽培项目,参观了正在出菇的羊肚菌基地,法国专家感到非常震憾。因为羊肚菌人工栽培技术是一个世界性的难题,西欧国家及法国研究了200多年都未取得成功。他们看到中国四川省绵阳市食用菌研究所实现了羊肚菌大田商业化栽培的成熟技术,要求技术合作。通过中国科技部与法国奥塞欧集团协商,并签订了合作协议。2012年,中方派绵阳市食用菌研究所所长朱斗锡教授等一批专家到法国进行技术指导,经一年的技术指导,羊肚菌首次在欧洲历史上取得栽培成功!法国国家电视台、欧洲电视台都进行了新闻报道,近三年来中国羊肚菌专利技术在法国取得了很大成就,受到法国及欧盟国家的极大欢迎。






朱教授在法国埃菲尔铁塔(La Tour Eiffel)留影


A Brief Introduction Of The Patent Transfer Of
The Artificial Cultivation Of Morchella Esculenta

I. Functions:
The morchella esculenta is the rare edible fungi in the world . It is the high grade nourishment and nutriment, which contains plentiful protein,psp polysaccharied, carbohydrate,diversified vitamins and twenty kinds of aminoacid. It has the effects of nourishing kidney, strengthening the masculline, nourishing brain and refreshing oneself. For good treatment of kidney loss,impotence,sexuality,dizzy of head, insomnia, enterogastritis, weak taste, indigestion and having a poor appetite. Its action is evidently demonstrated against cancer and having a cold,enhancing immunologic function. It has an important value in the medical science and health keeping.

II. Nutrimental elements:
        The morchella esculenta, which has a unique fragrance, is crisp and delicious and nourishing. It has been tested that morchella esculenta contains 28.1 percent protein, 4.40 percent crude protein, 47.47 percent amino acid (especially eight kinds of amino acid, which human body need most, cover 44.14 percent of amino acid’s total amount.)and some other elements, such as carbohydrate, diversified vitamins and microelements. Some of its nutrimental elements are superior to Cordyceps sinensis(Berk. .)Sacc. So it is known as king of food. It is not only a kind of rare and delicious food,but also a kind of famous Chinese medicine.In ancient China it was dedicated to the emperor as advanced nutriment. Today, as an advanced foodstuff, it is exported to West Europe. The morchella esculenta, which doesn’t contain any hormone and has no side-effect, is also a kind of ideal natural health protection and sex protection food.

III. The future of developing morchella esculenta:
        In the past morchella esculenta grew up in the forests of mountain areas. It could be collected only once a year. Because of the limits of its growing conditions, the output was less. Since it was very difficult to collect, a lot of morchella esculenta couldn’t be found, it grew up and died by itself. For a complete range of functions, unique fragrance and outstanding edible effects, its selling price is much higher than other foods. In recent years its selling price in our country has been staying at 3000--4000 yuan (RMB) .Especially in West Europe a lot of dry morchella esculenta are in great need .Its selling price is much higher .However the wild morchella esculenta can not satisfy the need. Besides, the growing conditions of the wild morchella esculenta are disappearing day after day. So artificial cultivation is the only way to solve the problem of the great need of morchella esculenta, which can also bring you a lot of economic interests.

     However the wild morchella esculenta can not satisfy the need. Besides, the growing conditions of the wild morchella esculenta are disappearing day after day. So artificial cultivation is the only way to solve the problem of the great need of morchella esculenta, which can also bring you a lot of economic interests.

      We have been first successful in getting the world advanced technology through 28 years research and 918 experiments and tests. Because of this invention, we have got the State Inventive Patent, the International Inventive Gold Medal and the State Scientific Progressive Prize.


 The artificially cultivated morchella esculenta is exactly the same as the wild morchella esculenta because its characteristic has not been changed. We only use the scientific methods to make it purified. After the purification it can grow in the given favourable conditions. So it is convenient to manage and collect and easy to raise its output. The artificially cultivated morchella esculenta with good quality, beautiful appearance and suitable size, is welcome in the markets both at home and abroad.
